BCP Eucharist
St Luke's Sydney Street, LondonA weekly said BCP eucharist, in the side chapel at St Luke’s. All are very welcome.
A weekly said BCP eucharist, in the side chapel at St Luke’s. All are very welcome.
A united Parish Service at St Luke's to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the consecration of St Luke's Church.
Our main Sunday service at St Luke's: a eucharist supported by the St Luke'schoir, with Sunday School which runs during term time. The service is live streamed at https://www.youtube.com/c/stlukesandchristchurchchelsea.
Our main Sunday service, with Sunday School running during term time. Welcoming 130-170 people of ages 0-90, with our worship supported by the Christ Church choir.
Choral evensong following the order of the Book of Common Prayer, supported by music from the St Luke’s choir.