Summer Fair & Emergency Services Day!!
Last year our Summer Programme provided support, community and fun over 3 weeks for 130 local children aged 8-13. It is a vital part of our parish outreach, and a huge support for many parents in the area who otherwise struggle to afford childcare or to provide engaging structure for their children over the summer holidays. Our Summer Fair is a central part of our parish fundraising to pay for this huge enterprise.
So we look forward to seeing you and your friends on Saturday 10th June. And as you buy your second-hand books, play the tombola, quaff Pimms and enjoy the music, celebrate the good cause that all your money will be going to.
But before then… we need help to make the Fair its usual roaring success. We need your help! Can you support us in one or more of these ways?
We need: bric-a- brac, good quality accessories, jewellery, children’s clothes & toys, books, home produce & bottles for the tombola.
Please bring to the parish office on Monday-Friday between 9.30am and 4pm, or leave at the back of church.
Can you help to cover some of our costs, to maximise our support for the Summer Programme? We welcome all financial donations. This year we are looking for specific financial donations to cover: the Marquee (£800); Publicity (£400); Teacups ride (£700); Raffle prizes – (£700); Food & beverage supplies – (£700).
If you would like to help in this way and wish to write a cheque, please make it payable to ‘St Luke’s DCC’.
We welcome help on the day or during the week leading up to the fair – please contact the parish office if you are able to help.