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Sunday School

At St Luke’s and Christ Church our Sunday School forms an integral part of the worshipping community of our parish.

We aim to create a sacred space in which children and any accompanying adults can come close to God and grow in faith.

Children remain with their families in both churches until the Collect is said, when they and any accompanying adults join the Sunday School procession, following the Cross.

The groups then divide as follows:

Christ Church

All age groups worship together in Christ Church School Hall, followed by:

Parents with small babies in the vestry

Parents with small babies may wish to spend time in the vestry.

Mini Sunday School

Nursery and Reception ages meet in the school hall. Children should be accompanied by just one parent.

Junior Sunday School

Year 1 to 3 meet in the school corridor. Children do not need to be accompanied.

Sunday School

Year 4 to Year 6 meet in the school art room. Children do not need to be accompanied.

St Luke's Church

All age groups worship together in St Luke’s Hall, followed by:

Parents with small babies in the vestry

Parents with small babies may wish to spend time in the choir vestry, to which the service is transmitted.

Mini Sunday School

Nursery, Reception, and Year 1. Children should be accompanied by one parent only.

Junior Sunday School

Year 2 to Year 6 met in the side-room in St Luke’s Hall. Children do not need to be accompanied.

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