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Eco Church

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son”

We believe that God calls us to love and care for the world that he created and is making new in Jesus Christ. We see climate justice as a central part of God’s vision for his world and therefore central to our parish’s life and mission. Faced with the climate crisis, this means acknowledging the ways we participate in environmental destruction, as well as taking steps towards being better stewards of God’s creation.

One of the ways we are doing this is through A Rocha’s Eco Church award scheme. As a parish, we have achieved Bronze Eco Church status. This has been awarded based on five categories; Worship and Teaching, Buildings, Land, Community and Global Action, and Lifestyle. We aim to achieve Silver Eco Church status within the next two years as part of our broader commitment to creation care.

Last year, for instance, we hosted a Youth-led Creation Compline to mark the end of COP26 in partnership with members of the Church in Melanesia, whose islands are suffering the effects of rising sea-levels.

If you would like to hear more about our involvement in Eco Church or want to share ideas about how we can work for climate justice, then please don’t hesitate to be in touch. We have appointed two Eco Advocates in our parish who would be delighted to hear from you!

Contact the Parish office to find out more
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