Despite the apparent wealth of our parish, it is also a place with much deprivation – be that the homelessness visible on our main roads, the financial deprivation hidden away in many homes, or the social deprivation of loneliness experienced by many.
In relation to homelessness, we have very close links with the charity Glass Door.
During the winter months a weekly Glass Door shelter operates overnight at our Hall of Remembrance. Our congregation also provides generous financial support to the charity, not least through participating in the annual autumn Sleep-Out.
Please contact the Parish Office if you may be able to volunteer or offer financial help.
We also maintain close links with Chelsea Methodist Church on the King’s Road, and value the drop-in support both they and Glass Door offer in our local area.
If you or someone you know is experiencing homelessness, the clergy are very willing to offer a listening ear, immediate support and direction to professional resources. We typically help provide a referral to Glass Door, who are well equipped to provide further pastoral and practical support.