And Finally… A Farewell From Fr Sam
Hollywood likes to linger on the scene of final parting, the final conversations before two characters go their separate ways. The Bible doesn’t usually do melodrama in quite the same way – although Jesus’ words to his disciples over the Last Supper, and Judas’ exit into the night, surely come close.
Anyway, the nature of deadlines is such that I have to write this final goodbye before my actual leaving. I presume that my final weeks, and the farewell party, will have been low on melodrama and betrayal, and high on thanksgiving for everyone whose wisdom and company I’ve enjoyed over the last 4½ years.
There’s, of course, so much of any job that goes unphotographed. The pastoral conversations; funerals and memorial services; school governor responsibilities at Chelsea Academy; the Food Bank; sermon writing; magazine editing; preparation of weekly Sunday School resources; smaller group gatherings such as Working Faith; …not to mention the 50 video services put together when we were unable to gather in person.
I’ve also enjoyed a number of wider responsibilities that I’ve taken on, notably teaching theology at St Augustine’s College, and meeting with individuals considering ordination. And I’ve been hugely fortunate to participate over the last two years in the Trinity Leadership Fellowship programme through Trinity Church Wall Street, which has brought me into contact with Christian ministers from around the world.
But given the modern motto, ‘photos or it didn’t happen’, here, as I depart, are some of my favourite photos of my wonderful time in Chelsea.
Sam Hole