Getting involved
Being part of St Luke's and Christ Church does not just mean coming to church on Sunday, although that's a very good start!
This parish thrives because its members get involved and support the life and worship of the church. Many people make a huge contribution by giving time, practical ability and creativity. The annual volunteers party (pictured) is also a parish highlight!
At Sunday services, we need the following help: readers, intercessors (people to lead the prayers), sidespeople (i.e. welcomers), and people to serve refreshments. We need helpers and leaders for the children’s groups (aged 0-11) that meet on Sunday mornings, as well as for the youth group that meets during the week.
On an ongoing basis, we need people to be involved in the leadership and management of the church by becoming a member of the church council (the DCC or PCC). Our community outreach – the Food Bank, homeless shelter, Summer Programme and much more – depends on volunteers. Others help to clean the church, or provide administrative support to the Parish Office. And, of course, you might have other skills you’d be happy to share – we are always delighted to find out the many talents of those who support our parish life.