Clergy Visits
For various reasons, you or someone you know may seek spiritual support but be unable to get to church
The clergy are very happy to visit in such circumstances to pray, offer communion and give pastoral support. We are also in close contact with other clergy and can help put you in touch with the local parish priest if needed.
In particular, if you or someone you know is seriously ill or dying, please let us know and we will come at any time to pray, offer anointing with oil and to administer the Last Rites.
If someone you know is in a local hospital and they would like to see a member of the clergy, please let the Chaplaincy department in the hospital know and they will be sure to visit that patient to offer a friendly face, a listening ear and spiritual support.
Contact details can be found on the website of each hospital, or through the hospital switchboard.
If you struggle to make contact, please contact the Parish Office and we will pass on the person’s details.
Contact the Parish Office