Pastoral Support
We all face difficult times in our lives
Bereavement, divorce, redundancy, depression, stress, ill-health, questions of faith, care responsibilities, feelings of guilt or abandonment, problems with benefits and housing, loneliness – in the face of all these things and many more we do well to seek the support of others.
The clergy of the parish happily offer pastoral support to all, whether or not you attend church. This is part of our Christian commitment to care for all of God’s creation.
You will be met by a friendly face, a listening ear and no judgement. We are also willing to guide you to other sources of professional help if appropriate.
A member of clergy can often be found at St Luke’s church (speak to the staff at Café Portico if you cannot find one), or you can contact the Parish Office to arrange a time to meet.
We are also willing to hear confessions on request.
Contact the Parish Office