At St Luke’s and Christ Church we provide many opportunities for people to explore and reflect on faith, whether they have been attending church for forty years or whether they dip in and out once a month.
Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs’ (Matthew 19.14).
We offer a wide range of activities throughout the week for children and youth of all ages to join in. Our desire is to help young people to enter into the life of faith through story, wonder, play, conversation and laughter.
The entire life of our parish is rooted in worship. In worship, we join with one another and with creation in praise of God, and ask for grace to live lives that reflect the life of Christ and the love of God.
We have three buildings with different sizes of hall available for hire – the Hall of Remembrance, St Luke’s Hall and The Hut.
Both churches are also available for hire.
Whether young or old, resident or worker, here for a year or here for thirty, whether Christian or not. You are always welcome to sit, pray and light a candle in St Luke’s church. But we are also ready and willing to sit with you, to visit you, to listen and to offer pastoral support.
We are the parish of Chelsea. Our vision is to be ‘two churches in one parish, giving heart and soul to the Chelsea community’.
All Events
5 March, 2025 @ 8:00 am - 8:30 am
Sydney Street London SW3 6NH Telephone: 020 7351 7365
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