During covid it was seen that many local residents fell into food poverty. To try to help - the food bank is run every Tuesday where participants can collect a selection of both dried and fresh goods. The food bank is open to everyone and can be joined by just turning up.
Our long-running and very popular toddler group. New parents, carers and toddlers are always welcome. Please contact the Parish Office for more details.
Our main Sunday service at St Luke's: a eucharist supported by the St Luke'schoir, with Sunday School which runs during term time. The service is live streamed at https://www.youtube.com/c/stlukesandchristchurchchelsea.
Our main Sunday service, with Sunday School running during term time. Welcoming 130-170 people of ages 0-90, with our worship supported by the Christ Church choir.
During covid it was seen that many local residents fell into food poverty. To try to help - the food bank is run every Tuesday where participants can collect a selection of both dried and fresh goods. The food bank is open to everyone and can be joined by just turning up.
Our long-running and very popular toddler group. New parents, carers and toddlers are always welcome. Please contact the Parish Office for more details.
The Annual Summer Fair and Emergency Services Day at St Luke's Church returns! You can expect police, firefighters, ambulances as well as a BBQ, bouncy castle, Bric-a-brac, tombola and loads more! The summer fair raises money to help fund our annual summer programme for kids aged 8-13. This is a 3 week programme the church […]
Our main Sunday service at St Luke's: a eucharist supported by the St Luke'schoir, with Sunday School which runs during term time. The service is live streamed at https://www.youtube.com/c/stlukesandchristchurchchelsea.
Our main Sunday service, with Sunday School running during term time. Welcoming 130-170 people of ages 0-90, with our worship supported by the Christ Church choir.
During covid it was seen that many local residents fell into food poverty. To try to help - the food bank is run every Tuesday where participants can collect a selection of both dried and fresh goods. The food bank is open to everyone and can be joined by just turning up.
Our long-running and very popular toddler group. New parents, carers and toddlers are always welcome. Please contact the Parish Office for more details.
If you wish to join Baxter in his ordination, you can do so at 3.00pm onSaturday 15 June at St Mary Abbots. And on Sunday 16 June, Baxterwill celebrate his first Holy Communion at a United Parish service atSt Luke’s at 10.30am. The Preacher will be Revd Robert Coupland,Sacrist, St Paul’s Cathedral. Refreshments will be […]
On Sunday 16 June, Baxter will celebrate his first Holy Communion at a United Parish service atSt Luke’s at 10.30am. The Preacher will be Revd Robert Coupland, Sacrist, St Paul’s Cathedral. Refreshments will be served following the service.
During covid it was seen that many local residents fell into food poverty. To try to help - the food bank is run every Tuesday where participants can collect a selection of both dried and fresh goods. The food bank is open to everyone and can be joined by just turning up.
Our long-running and very popular toddler group. New parents, carers and toddlers are always welcome. Please contact the Parish Office for more details.
Our main Sunday service at St Luke's: a eucharist supported by the St Luke'schoir, with Sunday School which runs during term time. The service is live streamed at https://www.youtube.com/c/stlukesandchristchurchchelsea.
Our main Sunday service, with Sunday School running during term time. Welcoming 130-170 people of ages 0-90, with our worship supported by the Christ Church choir.
During covid it was seen that many local residents fell into food poverty. To try to help - the food bank is run every Tuesday where participants can collect a selection of both dried and fresh goods. The food bank is open to everyone and can be joined by just turning up.
Our long-running and very popular toddler group. New parents, carers and toddlers are always welcome. Please contact the Parish Office for more details.
Our main Sunday service at St Luke's: a eucharist supported by the St Luke'schoir, with Sunday School which runs during term time. The service is live streamed at https://www.youtube.com/c/stlukesandchristchurchchelsea.