What's On
Calendar of Events
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S Sun
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4 events,
Sung Eucharist at St Luke’s
Sung Eucharist at St Luke’s
Our main Sunday service at St Luke's: a eucharist supported by the St Luke's choir, with Sunday School which runs during term time. The service is live streamed at https://www.youtube.com/c/stlukesandchristchurchchelsea.
Sung Eucharist at Christ Church
Sung Eucharist at Christ Church
Our main Sunday service, with Sunday School running during term time. Welcoming 130-170 people of ages 0-90, with our worship supported by the Christ Church choir.
1 event,
Morning Prayer at Christ Church
Morning Prayer at Christ Church
A quiet way to start the day. A reflective said service in the side chapel at Christ Church, every Monday in term-time.
2 events,
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s
A quiet way to start the day. A reflective said service in the side chapel at St Luke’s, every Tuesday-Thursday.
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s
A quiet way to start the day. A reflective said service in the side chapel at St Luke’s, every Tuesday-Thursday.
2 events,
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s
A quiet way to start the day. A reflective said service in the side chapel at St Luke’s, every Tuesday-Thursday.
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s
A quiet way to start the day. A reflective said service in the side chapel at St Luke’s, every Tuesday-Thursday.
4 events,
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s
A quiet way to start the day. A reflective said service in the side chapel at St Luke’s, every Tuesday-Thursday.
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s
A quiet way to start the day. A reflective said service in the side chapel at St Luke’s, every Tuesday-Thursday.
ABC Toddler Group
ABC Toddler Group
Our long-running and very popular toddler group. New parents, carers and toddlers are always welcome. Please contact the Parish Office for more details.