Children’s Half Term Activities
This week we have had some amazing children’s activities. On Monday we celebrated Valentine’s Day with lots of lovely watercolour background paintings which we used to make different heart shaped flowers, crowns, and cards to give to our loved ones. Everyone had an amazing time, filled with love and smiles.
Wednesday was our police day where we played many games with the police officers. The children did a robbery investigation which required some great detective work. They found and caught the criminals just before they made their escape.
We had a lovely surprise visit from the Armed Police officers- Alec and Jim, who arrived on their work motorbikes. They kindly talked to all children and adults about their job and how they use their motorbikes and skills to protect the politicians and Royalty. One of the most exciting moments was when everyone had a chance to dress as the police and sit on the bikes with the flashing blue lights on. Both events finished with a very tasty pizza for lunch and cakes. Children and adults had a wonderful and very memorable half term.