Choir at Canterbury Cathedral
Twice a year, St Luke’s choir take a weekend off from singing the services at St Luke’s to sing elsewhere. They have been working their way round the cathedrals and major churches of England (with occasional trips further afield). And on Saturday and Sunday, February 12 and 13, they will be singing at Canterbury Cathedral. It’s a spectacular building and well worth a visit if you haven’t been before, or even if you have.
The cathedral is a particularly good place to come and hear the choir sing because the traditional pilgrimage has been accelerated by the high speed train from St Pancras, which takes less than an hour, and by the motorway.
If you can’t make it to Canterbury but would still like to see and hear the choir in action there, you’ll be able to watch the services on the cathedral’s YouTube channel.
The services times are:
Saturday, February 12: Evensong at 5.30pm
Sunday, February 13: Sung Eucharist at 11am and Evensong at 5.30pm