St Luke’s Summer Fair 2022
St Luke’s Summer Fair is just around the corner at 12pm on Saturday 11 June and will be a joint day with the emergency services. This is following on from last year’s Emergency Services Day in August, which
showcased all aspects of the police – dogs, horses, motorbikes and the Territorial Support Group. Also attending are ambulance crews, RNLI and the local fire brigade.
Donations are needed for stalls: bric-a-brac, good quality adult clothes and accessories, jewellery, children’s clothes and toys, books, home produce and bottles for the tombola.
If you might be able to donate an ‘experience’ (dining, beauty, exhibitions, tickets for cultural/sporting events etc), please contact the Parish Office.
There are always significant costs involved in running the fair, and we would welcome all financial donations to meet these costs. If you would like to help in this way and wish to write a cheque, please make it payable to St Luke’s DCC or contact the Parish Office. Many thanks!
This year the summer fair will again be raising funds for the St Luke’s Summer Programme. This is a
three-week activity club for local children during the school Summer Holidays. More information on this will be in the next magazine.
Books of raffle tickets can be bought from the Parish Office at £5 per book!