St Luke's 200th Anniversary
October 2024
St Luke’s Day in October 2024 will mark 200 years since the consecration of St Luke’s Church. This special anniversary is our opportunity to:
celebrate and treasure our heritage,
and dream ambitiously for the future by:
raising our environmental standards
and inspiring our congregations to generous giving
Heritage | For the past year, teams of volunteers have researched and documented our churches, their contents and related histories. From the autumn we will be sharing about the history of St Luke’s and Chelsea Parish through a range of public events.
Environment | We are working towards gaining A Rocha UK Project’s Silver Eco Church status and transforming the east side of St Luke’s Garden into a beautiful Ecological Corridor to support biodiversity in our little Chelsea patch.
Generous Giving | We aim to enact our vision for long-term sustainable financing of our parish. Awareness raising campaigns in the autumn will encourage a mixture of regular giving and investment in our historical legacy, just as our founders did.
What’s on for St Luke’s 200
Please check back as new events will be added
8 June, Saturday 12-3pm | Ecological Garden mosaic tile making @the Summer Fair
Come along to the Summer Fair and create a mosaic tile that will be set into the path of the new Ecological Corridor in the St Luke’s Gardens.
9 September to 30 November, Monday-Friday 9-4pm | St Lukes 200 Exhibition
A FREE exhibition about St Luke’s church and our parish from 1824 to present day including an audio tour of the church.
14 September, Saturday 10-4pm | St Luke’s 200 Heritage Day for the Open House Festival 2024
A family friendly day of tours, activities and performances in and around St Luke’s Church as part of Open City’s Open House Festival 2024. The church will also be open during the festival, 14-22 September.
9 September to 9 October | Writing Chelsea Workshops
A month of creative writing workshops introducing inspiring writing and writers of our parish and demonstrating that great writing (captivating storytelling, moving text, brilliant description) comes in many forms, from novels and letters and minute books. This project is in partnership with Peter Harrington, the Charles Dickens Museum, The National Trust, Carlyle House, authors Emma Darwin and Tom Mogford, and with our local schools, Holy Trinity and Christ Church and Chelsea Academy. Booking Essential and Spaces Limited.
10 October, Wednesday 7pm | Writing Chelsea Performance @St Lukes
A special evening performance celebrating the literary heritage of our parish.
20 October 10.30am | St Luke’s Day Service