All Souls
All Souls Day falls on 2 November.
The previous day, 1 November, is All Saints’ Day, on which we celebrate the saints of the church who have gone before us. (All Saints’ Day is, itself preceded by All Hallows Eve, more commonly known as Hallowe’en, on 31 October.) On All Souls Day we remember all those who have died, and especially those whom we have known and loved, but see no longer.
It is our tradition in our parish to host an All Souls event in each church: with a choral evensong at St Luke’s, and a requiem mass at Christ Church. Both services are supported by the church choirs, and we provide refreshments afterwards. All are most welcome, and we also invite back the families of all people for whom we have held a funeral over the last year.
Please see the church calendar to confirm the precise date of these services.