Funerals and Memorial Services
We offer our condolences to you if you have recently lost a loved one. This will be a very sad and difficult time. Funerals are a very important way of marking the close of a human life on earth. They are an opportunity for friends and family to express their grief, to gather up the threads of the life of the deceased, to give thanks for them and to commend them to God’s keeping.
When someone close to you has just died, arranging a funeral may not feel the easiest thing to do. We are here to help. Whatever pattern of service you want, whether in church, crematorium or burial, we can help you. There is also the option of interring loose ashes at both of our church gardens. The words and actions of the service all speak of a loving God and the preciousness to him of every human being. As Christians, we believe that death marks not the end of life, but a new beginning as we move from earthly life to a greater life with God.
If you would like a service in church, or a member of the clergy to officiate at a funeral at the crematorium, then please contact us as soon as possible and ask to speak to a member of the clergy. We will be happy to guide you through the process. When you speak with your Funeral Director, please do not let them book a date at the crematorium or cemetery without consulting with us, as we need to ensure that one of the clergy is available.
We are also happy to conduct memorial services. These are a good opportunity to mourn, remember and celebrate the life of a loved one at some distance from the immediate grief of the funeral. They can also be a good opportunity to welcome a wider body of friends and family than may have been possible at the funeral. Memorial services are normally held on weekdays.
We invite all those who have been recently bereaved to our All Souls service in early November, where the names of those who have died will be read out. In the context of a beautifully sung choral Evensong (at St Luke’s) or requiem mass (at Christ Church), it is another chance for you to reflect on your loved ones.
For more information about bookings, and to speak to the clergy, please contact the Parish Office.