Holy Week and Easter
Holy Week and Easter are the most significant, and emotionally-charged, days in the church year.
Over Holy Week we recall the last days of Jesus’s life, culminating in his arrest and crucifixion. On Easter Day we celebrate his resurrection.
On Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter, we traditionally hold a united parish service during which we process from St Luke’s to Christ Church. This reminds us of Jesus’s own triumphal entry into Jerusalem that day. We always welcome a donkey to lead our procession – photos are very much encouraged!
We mark the three major services of Holy Week – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil (collectively known as the Triduum) – at Christ Church, with all very welcome. On Good Friday we also hold a service of music and reflection at St Luke’s.
Finally, on Easter Day, we are delighted to welcome large numbers of people, both regulars and visitors, to our churches for our celebrations. All are very welcome.