Thinking of getting married?
Many Congratulations
If you would like to get married at St Luke’s or Christ Church do contact us as soon as possible. We will do all we can to ensure your wedding day is a very happy one and that your marriage begins on the firmest of foundations. You will be invited to make your solemn promises to each other, not only in front of your family and friends but in the sight of God and with God’s blessing.
We will help you to prepare carefully for your marriage, both with the logistics as well as emotionally and spiritually. You will be invited to a marriage preparation evening where, in an informal format over supper, we will discuss some of the dynamics of getting married. Each couple is also seen on a number of occasions prior to the wedding by the clergy person taking the service.
You can get married at either church in our parish if you fulfil one of the following legal requirements.
If you fulfil one of these requirements and one or both of you has been divorced then the clergy will want to discuss with you how the previous marriage went wrong and the needs and concerns of any children from a previous marriage or relationship.
We are happy to welcome couples where one or both of you belongs to another faith; we are required, however, to lead the normal Christian marriage service, and in conversation we will help you to consider whether you feel this is right for your wedding.
Sometimes, couples choose to have a service of wedding blessing in church. This most frequently happens when it proves necessary for couples to have a civil wedding or get married overseas. A wedding blessing could be a very small service, with just a few close friends and family. Or it could be a much larger event, with a large number of guests. Either way, it will look and feel very much like an equivalent wedding, with options to decide on in terms of music, dress, flowers and so on.
If you have been married for a few years or more it is also possible to renew your marriage vows in church. You might choose to do this to mark a significant anniversary, after a period of transition in your lives, or to reaffirm your commitment to one another after a difficult period. This can be a large service or, more commonly, a small service with just the priest, the couple and perhaps a few close friends and family present.
To learn more about any of these options, please contact us to arrange a meeting with the clergy.