Weekday Services
Come and join us for Morning Prayer or for our Lunchtime Eucharist during the week.
Everyone is most welcome.
Monday, 9am
Morning Prayer at Christ Church in school term-time, and St Luke’s in half-terms and holidays.
Tuesday, 9am
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s.
Wednesday, 9am
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s.
Thursday, 9am
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s.
Thursday, 12.30pm
Lunchtime Eucharist at St Luke’s.
Friday, 9am
Morning Prayer at St Luke’s.
Private Prayer at St Luke’s, Monday to Sunday from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm.
St Luke’s is open for private prayer, peace, contemplation, and visits. There is also an intercession book where you can write prayers which we include in our daily prayers.